Clarisse Blog

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Online Dating Etiquette

You can dress how you want, and have your hair how you want but you must have online dating etiquette the moment your fingers touch the keyboard. This is the point where the single on the other end will feel part of the reel you. This is where everything you type will be scrutinized as everything naturally is at an online dating service.

So first and foremost you have to be honest from the moment you create your profile. Any little white lies or completely made up stories will get found out eventually. At that point your creditability will go along with your current online date. Singles chat to each other in chat rooms, on message boards and give information in blogs. You dont want to end up as one of their topics. Honesty is attractive no matter how you look at your keyboard.

When you first contact someone, say hello with an e-mail. Lots of online dating services have smiles or flirts but you cant beat a personal message. You can mention parts of their profile that have caught your attention, and it shows them that you have actually read their profile.

Everyone is inquisitive when they start conversing with someone online but that doesnt mean you should continually ask questions. Dont give other singles a reason to be put off. You need to just let the questions flow with the conversation. Weave them in naturally. If they bring something up that can lead into a question then ask it. Also give some information about yourself as well then other singles will be more willing to let their guard down a bit.

Become a good listener. Most people like talking about themselves, and this can lead into you asking a few questions that they will be willing to answer. Plus this shows that youre paying attention, and that can only be in your favor.

Never ask questions or make statements that will put your date on the defensive. Subjects like politics and religion should be left alone for quite a while. Leave these topics of conversation till you know someone very well or even wait until you have met them offline.

Leave all capital letters and abbreviated sentences out of the conversation. When you use capitals its a form of shouting online, and abbreviated sentences become hard to decipher and annoying. You will probably get a way with the odd smiley so they know when youre joking but dont over do it. Remember this is someone you are trying to impress, and maybe one day have a lasting relationship with. Presentation is everything especially when attracting a partner.

Do not come across as eager or desperate. Never push someone into doing anything they dont want to do. You have to respect anyones wishes on the speed in which they want to get to know you. If you find youre in need of changing the way anyone thinks or acts its probably not going to work anyway.

For more advice on online dating, and online dating services visit -

Jason King is the webmaster for The online dating reviews. http://www.the-online-dating-reviews.comInconnue Blog67819
Macintosh Blog63806

Cellular Phone Covers Add Appeal To An Electronic Gadget

In everything we do these days there is some sense of fashion involved. In the past it only meant the style of your clothing however these days it touches just about every aspect of our lives (ie - what shoes to wear, the belts we have on, watches, jewelry, the way we comb our hair and even what kind of cell phone we carry. Rising to the occasion people in the cellphone industry have introduced covers or faceplates for cell phones, as they are widely known, to match almost anyone's taste for fashion.

Cellular-Phone Cover Advantages

The younger generation, especially the female members, always take particular interest in how they dress up and they have very particular tastes when it comes to having all their accessories match, such as bags, scarves, shoes and also what not to wear. Since cellular phones are so pervasive and are a must-have accessory for just about everyone, its ability to 'match' to the style and clothes of the owner has also become a matter of particular interest.

Responding to this concern and demand from the consumer, the market produced and made available faceplates and matching cellular phone covers for practically every model of cell phone available. Because there is so much diversity available in the designs for accessories for cell phones these days you can not only match the color but also whatever particular style for that cellular-phone model.

The Benefits of A Cellular Phone Cover

In addition to having the perfect match, there are numerous other advantages that you can benefit from by using cell phone covers:

1. It's plenty of fun -- there is a windfall selection of funny designs for the faceplates to suit every mood. There are smiles, you can buy one that has your favorite cartoon characters, flowers, fruits and more as a faceplate, which will more than likely make you giggle on the inside every time you look at your cell phone.

2. Excellent party accessory -- if you happen to have a formal party and you have an elegant jewelry type cellular phone cover it turns into a great accessory to help enhance your style.

3. Helps to give your old cell phone a facelift -- when you scratch your mobile phone, or if it's faded and old, you can immediately 'rejuvenate' it with a brand-new cellular phone cover. The thing is with these covers is that they're inexpensive and you won't have to pay a small fortune for them; so by spending a tiny fraction of the cost, you can virtually have a brand-new cell phone in a snap.

4. Great protection for your cell phone -- these faceplates have many different materials that they are made out of. Some materials are exotic whose primary purpose is cosmetic enhancement. However, some of these faceplates are made of unbreakable fiber/plastic, which in addition to adding to your phones visual appeal, it will also protect it from shock and moisture and from falling.

Corbin Newlyn is an expert in the field of consumer electronics. If you would like to learn more go to and at Blog86550
Elisee Blog28021

Online Distance Education Program - How To Improve Your Life While Living It

Getting an education is hard work. Some of that work comes in the form of just making a decision to get one. Graduating from high school can be a daunting experience when you are in your late teens. You are just becoming an adult and have hardly begun to learn how to make important life decisions of your own. Asking you parents or mentors what you should do just confuses you more. Thinking that getting an education is always a good idea, you might decide to go ahead and get one. Then you are faced with a quandary of career choices and wonder which one you should choose. It is important that you choose one and pursue it with all of your heart. Remember what they say about first impressions? They are usually right. If you follow your heart's motivation, you will find that the education that you are pursuing is the right choice for you. Here are some insights on making some of those decisions and the benefits of getting an education from an online distance education program.

The major motivating factors behind getting an education are money and reputation, what one is thought to be by others. Taking the opportunity to increase the potential of increased income is always a worthy venture. Statistically, getting an education does that for you. The average wage earned in 2005 by a college graduate was $51,206. The average wage earned by a high school graduate was $27,915. The average wage earned by those with no high-school diploma earned was $18,734. Even in an unhealthy economy, $51,206 is a lot more than $27,915 or $18,734. Which one would you rather have?

Reputation comes with being an expert in your field. For the most part, I think, the expertise that we come out of high school will be a reputation of another sort. I remember priorities in high school being relationships, foot ball, dances, and other assorted illegal substances. But there are those who realize the importance of taking a career aim while in high school that will give them a great head start in life. They hold off on the fun stuff like going to work right away and getting married. They put a priority on their education and delay the gratification that some of us pursued so vigorously in high school.

You didn't see much of this group. They stayed in the shadows of mathematics and science. They always had their noses in their books. They actually held intelligent conversations with their teachers. I don't know how many times I heard from another student that a teacher was boring. When these students spoke with each other, they were always talking about their studies. I found them very boring and, well boring just like their teachers!

Something happens to an adolescent while in high school. I here it happens earlier with female students than with males. Sometimes we grow up. Realizing that the life we have in the homes of our parents will not last forever, we make the decisions that will last a lifetime. Who do we want to be? What do we want to do? We decide to continue our education, not because high school was so much fun, but we know that we are not yet ready to strike out on our own. If we did now, we would never reach the goals of affluence desired.

Affluance, as a result of education, can be attained at any stage of life. We are taught that earlier is better. The perfect student does perfectly well in high school, does not let the events of life at that age get in the way of a higher cause, chooses a very ambitious college or university program, never misses a class and graduates with honors every time. They also have a lot of interviews lined up with very prestigious companies on the day they graduate from college. They wait at least a year in their first position before even considering taking on a relationship, and when they do, it is with someone like them. They make enough money to be able to afford day-care. And their kids? They grow up to be just like mom and dad.

OK, this does not sound realistic, does it? Some of us mess it up real good and wish for a second chance. While working, and raising a family, we want to upgrade our education so we can get that $51,206 or more. If you are not lucky enough to be close to an educational institution, the internet provides some of the best opportunities to upgrade your educational level through something called an online distance education or an online education program.

An online distance education program is usually self paced so it is easy to fit into a tight schedule. Distance learning is pretty much self explanatory. It means learning from a distance. You can get your education from a university in Arizona even if you do not live in the state of Arizona on the internet today. This kind of education comes with all of the benefits of traditional on-campus education except the requirement to live on campus, socialize on campus, and eat at the campus dining rooms. It even comes with financial aid if you need it. Most of us that desire to upgrade our education level, especially later in life, really do not want the kind of activity level offered by on-campus life anyhow. An online distance education program is a real money saver where you can focus on your studies and get that elusive bump to your annual income that you have always deserved, even while raising a family.

Leonard Bartholomew, B.S. Computer Science.Linell Blog9001
Engin Blog51469

Human Holon Communications within a High-Mix, Low-Volume Holonic Manufacturing System

Organizational communication is fundamental to high-mix manufacturing success. At the human holon level, communications are typically of the form: request, reply and inform. To have dialog amongst collaborative holons, human-system interfaces are required. Interface applications within a cooperative holonic domain are relatively simple, and decision support criteria will look like it comes from a single application.

Cooperative domains are highly distributed, autonomous and cooperative. An example of a strong heterarchy is real-time Internet chat amongst engineers. Heterarchical control is most effectively initiated by a triggering mechanism, e.g., machine breakdown, stockout, etc. for a manufacturing production environment. All users see the same state real time. Triggering is initiated after a disturbance or disruption occurs and the response strategy is communication to the entity(ies) capable of mitigating the problem quickly. Decision support would be provided to the holon responding. Decision support is comprised of heuristics to aid in the decision-taking process a pseudo expert system. The critical importance of mobilizing heterarchy cannot be overstated. To ensure efficiency is maintained, heterarchy increasingly trumps hierarchy as complexity and rate of change increase.

The power of heterarchy can be analogized to the behaviors of the ant kingdom. Simple creatures following simple rules, each one acting on local information. This heterarchical behavior forms the foundation of what is called swarm intelligence, i.e., decentralized self-organizing systems. No centralized control structure dictates how individual holons should behave. The collective behaviors of holons interacting locally cause coherent global benefits to emerge. The triggers and response tactics incorporated act to preserve advice given globally; for example, a production plan.

Consider a situation where a disturbance occurs at a process step. This trigger will cause the local holon experiencing the disruption to inform the production manager holon. The production manager holon will ask for a time estimate to recover from the disruption. If production was suspended, the local holon would have triggered the engineering holon as well as the production manager holon that production was suspended. If the due date cannot be met, the production manager holon will contact customer order service and customer order service may relax the due date or contact the customer directly. The production manager holon may minimally modify the current schedule to minimize the disturbances impact on orders in queue yet to be produced.

The rules-of-the-game are embedded in canons which are comprised of heuristics. Canons contain expert advice that facilitates some of the following characteristics for the holons with which they are associated; self organization, system optimization, cooperation, intelligence, forecasting and even considerateness.

Although there is a plethora of information available about automation exhibiting holonic behavior and test cases abound, this is is not a necessary requirement.

R. Michael Mahoney

R. Michael Mahoney is a leading thinker on high-mix strategy, and the author of the college text High-Mix, Low-Volume Manufacturing, published through Hewlett-Packard Press by Prentice-Hall © 1997. He can be found at http://www.Holonyx.comGaston Blog94797
Herbert Blog33578

CSI (Season 3) DVD Review

Nominated for 20 Emmys and 6 Golden Globes, including Best TV Series - Drama, CSI (Crime Scene Investigation) quickly rose to become the number one show on television following its Fall 2000 premiere. The brainchild of creator Anthony Zuiker, the show follows the investigations not of traditional TV detectives working the streets, but forensic scientists who unravel complicated crime mysteries in their ultra-modern laboratory. Either the #1 or the #2 Nielsen rated show since the start of its second season, CSI has helped CBS to reemerge as the #1 network television station, spawning (similar to predecessor Law & Order) two series spin-offs CSI: Miami and CSI: New York. Each exciting hour-long episode begins with the theme song "Who Are You" by The Who, a song more than befitting of a show where criminals are aggressively tracked down, sometimes years after committing their crimes

CSI focuses on the Las Vegas Police Department's Crime Scene Investigation nightshift unit headed by Gil Grissom (William Petersen), a quirky outsider whose obsessive quest for the facts and dedication to his work dominates his life. The CSI team is composed of a number of individuals with differing backgrounds and personalities - single mother Catherine Willows (Marg Helgenberger) specializes in blood-splatter analysis, the highly competitive Nick Stokes (George Eads) specializes in hair and fiber analysis, recovering gambling addict Warrick Brown (Gary Dourdan) specializes in audio/visual analysis, and the rambunctious Sara Sidle (Jorja Fox) specializes in materials and element analysis. Throw in hard-nosed homicide captain Jim Brass (Paul Guifoyle), CSI understudy Greg Sanders (Eric Szmanda), and lab coroner Al Robbins (Robert David Hall) and all the ingredients are present for a show wrought with suspense, drama, and tension. As transients from all walks of life travel to Las Vegas to enjoy the wonders of its adult playground, increased levels of crime accompany them, and the team at CSI is determined to stay a step ahead of the criminal element

The CSI (Season 3) DVD features a number of dramatic episodes including the season premiere "Revenge is Best Served Cold" in which Catherine and Nick investigate an underground street racing league when one of the contestants is found dead at an abandoned airstrip just outside of town. Meanwhile, Grissom and the others are forced to investigate the mysterious death of a high stakes poker player when he drops dead in the middle of a game with three others Other notable episodes from Season 3 include "Recipe for Murder" in which Grissom and Catherine investigate a gruesome murder at a meat packing plant, and "A Night at the Movies" in which the CSI team investigates the murder of a movie-goer who was stabbed to death in mid-film

Below is a list of episodes included on the CSI (Season 3) DVD:

Episode 47 (Revenge is Best Served Cold) Air Date: 09-26-2002
Episode 48 (The Accused is Entitled) Air Date: 10-03-2002
Episode 49 (Let the Seller Beware) Air Date: 10-10-2002
Episode 50 (A Little Murder) Air Date: 10-17-2002
Episode 51 (Abra Cadaver) Air Date: 10-31-2002
Episode 52 (The Execution of Catherine Willows) Air Date: 11-07-2002
Episode 53 (Fight Night) Air Date: 11-14-2002
Episode 54 (Snuff) Air Date: 11-21-2002
Episode 55 (Blood Lust) Air Date: 12-05-2002
Episode 56 (High and Low) Air Date: 12-12-2002
Episode 57 (Recipe for Murder) Air Date: 01-09-2003
Episode 58 (Got Murder?) Air Date: 01-16-2003
Episode 59 (Random Acts of Violence) Air Date: 01-30-2003
Episode 60 (One Hit Wonder) Air Date: 02-06-2003
Episode 61 (Lady's Heather's Box) Air Date: 02-13-2003
Episode 62 (Lucky Strike) Air Date: 02-20-2003
Episode 63 (Crash and Burn) Air Date: 03-13-2003
Episode 64 (Precious Metal) Air Date: 04-03-2003
Episode 65 (A Night at the Movies) Air Date: 04-10-2003
Episode 66 (Last Laugh) Air Date: 04-24-2003
Episode 67 (Forever) Air Date: 05-01-2003
Episode 68 (Play with Fire) Air Date: 05-08-2003
Episode 69 (Inside the Box) Air Date: 05-15-2003

Britt Gillette is author of The DVD Report, a blog where you can find where you can find more reviews of movies and TV series. Source: Blog56421
Madeleine Blog82120

The Negatives Associated with Companies that Offer Lifetime Hosting Plans

Yes, I pay a set amount each and every month for my hosting and some of the additional services cost extra but these companies that offer Lifetime Hosting sound like a great money saver. What I don't understand is where is their incentive to perform each and every month. What if I pay this $100 plus fee and they just shut their company down and I can never find them again.

What about the fact that all they have is a sales page? Nothing deeper than that sales page, no support page, no FAQ page, nothing, nada, zip. With my present host, one of the things that I like, is whenever I call them there is somebody there to answer my call. Their support can be the ticket system, live chat, or phone support which is the one I prefer when I want an answer right then and there.

Just recently, I bought a software product via the WWW using my credit card. The software never came so I disputed the charge. After a month my credit card company sent me an email saying that they found in favor of the merchant because the sale was an intangible product and that I knew the risk before purchasing. So now I am out my $43 what happens when the hosting company takes off with my $100 plus, if I find them will I be able to get my money back?

I try to never buy a product where there is only a sales pages. Sites that don't have an email address or a phone number very rarely will get my business. I especially hate it when you do a Whois lookup and the registrar comes up as private or a bogus name and info.

I also see that these companies offering lifetime hosting usually offer great disk space and I've even seen some of unlimited bandwidth but 2 problems I see here is what if you need more space then what they give you and how many sites out there in the world are using any descent amount of bandwidth. I have 20 different sites and even though it is unfortunate but only 1 of them will ever exceed the use of more than 1Gig of bandwidth. What do I need unlimited bandwidht for?

Jeffrey Solochek is the Purple Cow of todays writers always adding his own unique wit and humor to everything. http://www.nosugarcoating.infoIda Blog74121
Leigh Blog68260

How To Copyright And Patent Your Software

If you're wondering how to copyright software, the good news is you've probably already done it. At least you have if you have ever written software. Most people get confused over exactly what having a copyright for their software means. Only those things that can be seen (when it comes to software) can be copyrighted. If you want to protect the abstract, look into patents. Otherwise if it is original, fixed, and tangible you can copyright it. Essentially you already know how to copyright software if you've put it into a finished form. Once you've written the source code, the copyright belongs to you.

Copyrighting software doesn't offer the protection that many people hope it will. The idea of software and anything about the finished product that wasn't available in a tangible (visible) form isn't protected by copyright. In fact, the only thing undeniably protected by software copyright is the source code. The question you should ask yourself is not how to copyright software, but how to patent your software.

What Is A Software Patent?

A software patent has no universal understanding. In general, owning a patent allows a company certain rights (or exclusivity) for a prescribed amount of time. Individuals or corporations seeking a patent must apply for a patent in each country in which they wish to have one. Unlike copyrights, patents are not automatically granted to applicants and can take a while to be approved.

The growth of Internet business and e-commerce has led to many patent applications for software, particularly software designed for specific business applications. While the cases are granted and successfully tried and defended in some countries, other countries offer no enforcement or legal recourse for those who do not honor the software patent, even if the patents were granted in those countries. The fine line between nations about what is and isn't patentable is another challenge to establish and honor patents.

Patents differ greatly from copyrights, which are issued automatically and recognized and enforced internationally. Copyrights protect the source code of software from being copied and registration is generally not required to protect your work.

Lately there is a new term, Copyleft, which is an obvious play on words and represents the rights to not only redistribute the copyrighted works, but also to modify and freely distribute those modifications. This term is very much in the spirit of many open source types of software and music. The catch for copyleft protection is that the newly created work be distributed in the same manner and spirit in which it was received. In other words if you were freely given the software, then you must freely provide the improvements and modifications you made to that software.

One unfortunate circumstance surrounding patents is the unequal and obvious disparity between the haves and the have not's. Patent enforcement for software, unlike literature and music, is largely subjective. In literature and music, it is obvious that the copyright has been abused or that the work has been copied; this isn't as simple with software.

How to Obtain a Patent

To obtain a patent for your software, you must apply for a patent in each country that offers patents for software and in which you wish to have the protection a patent can offer. There is no universal legal definition of what a software patent is. Each country that offers patents also has a different definition for what is protected by that patent, as well as for why a patent will be granted. Also consider the fact your software may be given a patent in one country where you applied and none of the others.

Of course, if this is not enough fun for you, you can try to deal with the red tape involved in dealing with multiple governments to resolve any issues or disputes that may have arisen from your software patents.

If you are applying for international patents (which can secure a profitable future for you and your business), you need to find a good patent lawyer and have him walk you through the entire process. Patents are complicated. When you're not exactly sure of what you're doing, whom you need to talk to, and what the next step is, you stand to waste a lot of time while taking a bigger risk. It is much easier to deal with how to copyright software on your own than it is to work out the complicated world of software patents.

If this is your first time designing your own software, you have every right to be nervous. Remember: lawyers went to school much longer than you to know what to do in this situation, so you should not be expected to know how to copyright or patent software when you've never done it before.

Richard Cunningham is a freelance journalist who covers copyright law for Download his free e-book, "Copyright Basics" at Blog98003
Mardi Blog49286

Smallville (Season 4) DVD Review

Leaping onto the television landscape in Fall 2001, Smallville follows the exploits of a young Clark Kent in the years leading up to his emergence as the beloved Superman. Following a slew of TV renditions of the character's life since the comic book first appeared, Smallville sets itself apart by focusing on the lesser discussed niche of Clark's earliest developmental days. Superb casting and consistent writing have combined to make Smallville one of the more popular shows on television (especially in international markets), making the show one of the WB network's most successful creations to date

Tom Welling stars in the imminent role of teenager Clark Kent, a refugee from the dying planet of Krypton. His ship having landed in the rural American town of Smallville, Clark is raised by locals Martha (Annette O'Toole) and Jonathan Kent (John Schneider - of Dukes of Hazzard fame) as their own son. Unlike some of the film and TV spin-offs, Smallville attributes powers to other individuals in the area as a result of some of the debris associated with Krypton's destruction. As a result, Clark is forced to keep his own powers a secret while battling against other individuals who are more powerful than traditional human criminal elements. The show also provides a glimpse into the early friendship experienced between Clark and Lex Luthor (Michael Rosenbaum) as well as Clark's romance with two high school classmates, Chloe Sullivan (Allison Mack) and Lana Lang (Kristin Kreuk). Part sci-fi fantasy and part teenage soap, Smallville is an instant television classic

The Smallville (Season 4) DVD features a number of exciting episodes including the season premiere "Crusade" in which Jonathan remains in a coma following last season's final episode. Meanwhile, Clark returns to Smallville as Kal-El and Lois Lane arrives in the town to investigate the death of Chloe, who was her cousin. Also, Lana returns from Europe with a new boyfriend and Lionel must deal with his new life in prison Other notable episodes from Season 4 include "Devoted" in which Lois & Clark discover that the cheerleaders are spiking the football team's water with kryptonite in a conspiracy to turn them into mindless "yes" men, and "Lucy" in which Lois Lane's little sister Lucy arrives in Smallville, but Clark catches her stealing money in an effort to pay off some shady characters

Below is a list of episodes included on the Smallville (Season 4) DVD:

Episode 67 (Crusade) Air Date: 09-22-2004
Episode 68 (Gone) Air Date: 09-29-2004
Episode 69 (Facade) Air Date: 10-06-2004
Episode 70 (Devoted) Air Date: 10-13-2004
Episode 71 (Run) Air Date: 10-20-2004
Episode 72 (Transference) Air Date: 10-27-2004
Episode 73 (Jinx) Air Date: 11-03-2004
Episode 74 (Spell) Air Date: 11-10-2004
Episode 75 (Bound) Air Date: 11-17-2004
Episode 76 (Scare) Air Date: 12-01-2004
Episode 77 (Unsafe) Air Date: 01-26-2005
Episode 78 (Pariah) Air Date: 02-02-2005
Episode 79 (Recruit) Air Date: 02-09-2005
Episode 80 (Krypto) Air Date: 02-16-2005
Episode 81 (Sacred) Air Date: 02-23-2005
Episode 82 (Lucy) Air Date: 03-02-2005
Episode 83 (Onyx) Air Date: 04-13-2005
Episode 84 (Spirit) Air Date: 04-20-2005
Episode 85 (Blank) Air Date: 04-27-2005
Episode 86 (Ageless) Air Date: 05-04-2005
Episode 87 (Forever) Air Date: 05-11-2005
Episode 88 (Commencement) Air Date: 05-18-2005

Britt Gillette is author of The DVD Report, a blog where you can find where you can find more reviews of movies and TV series. Source: Blog95017
Enzyme Blog91200

Know Your Wood Well

Lost when it comes to wooden furniture? Cant make out ebony from teak? Cant decide between Amish Oak Furniture and Antique Mahogany Furniture? Heres a ready guide to make you an expert at recognizing different woods, decide their finishes and know what they are best suited for. So now you can go ahead and buy your hickory coffee table set or the Amish Furniture Set youve been eyeing with complete confidence.

The woods that are used for furniture making fall into three categories: Hardwoods, Softwoods and Composites.

Even the term 'hardwood' or 'softwood' is deceptive. Hardwoods aren't necessarily harder, denser material. Softwood trees are evergreen trees while the hardwoods are got from deciduous trees.

Hardwoods are considered the highest quality and are the most expensive. Hardwood furniture is least likely to warp or bend. Softwoods are less expensive than hardwoods, but they require extra care and are less durable. Composites are manufactured and not grown and are the cheapest form of wood. Provided its affordable, you should always go for hardwood furniture. Here we will look at the properties of some of the common hardwoods:

Strength: Very strong. Not likely to split.
Color: White to light brown.
Texture: Straight grain and medium to coarse texture.
Uses: Secondary pieces in connection with Oak such as bentwood furniture, frames and veneers.

Strength: Very strong.
Color: Reddish brown with dark brown specks, slightly paler than that of birch.
Texture: Straight grain and coarse texture.
Uses: Bentwood furniture, framework of chairs, tables, and bedsteads, furniture joints etc.

Strength: Very strong.
Color: Pale yellowish brown color.
Texture: Fine grain and even texture. Works and finishes well.
Uses: It is used in the better kinds of low-priced furniture.
If polished or varnished, it looks like satinwood, but is darker, and by staining can be made to resemble Honduras mahogany.

Strength: Fairly strong. It is light, elastic and very durable.
Color: Grey to white. Looks like white oak.
Texture: Coarse grains and texture.
Uses: Large-scale infestation has depleted the availability.

Strength: Heavy and strong. High decay resistance but is brittle.
Color: Deep black color.
Texture: Straight or wavy grain with a fine even texture.
Uses: Luxury furniture, carving, musical instrument parts, primary pieces and inlay.
It is very expensive so Pear and other woods dyed black are often substituted for it.

Strength: Very strong. Easy to work.
Color: Reddish brown to dark red.
Texture: Interlocked or straight grain, often with a ribbon figure, and a moderately coarse texture. Excellent finishing qualities.
Uses: Tables, chairs, carved pieces, cabinetry, high class joinery, interior trim, boat building, vehicle bodies, paneling, plywood, and decorative veneers.
As its value is so great, it is generally veneered on to some less valuable wood. The heaviest mahogany is generally the best.

Strength: Very strong and hard. Difficult to work with. High resistance to abrasion, indentation, and shock.
Color: White to reddish yellow.
Texture: Straight or birds-eye grain and fine texture.
Uses: Furniture, flooring, cutting surfaces, cabinets, decorative woodwork, musical instruments, bowling pins and utensils

Strength: Heavy and strong.
Color: White to light brown.
Texture: Straight grain and medium to coarse texture. Finishes well.
Uses: Primary pieces which are not carved, joinery, turning and veneer.

Strength: Very strong and hard.
Color: Dark, with some curl. Purple to black.
Texture: Straight grain, medium texture and streaked figure.
Uses: Furniture, cabinetry, paneling, mathematical instruments, brush backs, inlay, sculpture, boat construction, hammer heads, and decorative flooring.

Strength: Very hard and strong.
Color: Orange to golden brown.
Texture: Striped or interlocked grain and fine texture. Finishes well.
Uses: Furniture, cabinets, inlay, joinery and turning.

Strength: Strong and durable. Less inclined to warp.
Color: Dark brown to purple and black.
Texture: Straight grain and medium to coarse texture.
Uses: Primary pieces, tables, chairs, cabinets, drawers, joinery, turning and veneer.

Strength: Very strong. Easily carved and finished.
Color: Yellow to light brown.
Texture: Straight grain and even texture.
Uses: Turnery and primary pieces.

Strength: Strong and hard. Easy to work.
Color: Red brown to red.
Texture: Straight grain and fine texture.
Uses: Primary pieces and turnery.

Strength: Very strong.
Color: Light reddish brown.
Texture: Straight or interlocked grain and coarse texture.
Uses: Furniture frames and secondary pieces.

Strength: Very hard and strong. Difficult to work with.
Color: Sapwood is yellow white and heartwood is red brown.
Texture: Straight to wavy grain and coarse texture. Average finishing.
Uses: Bentwood furniture and rustic furniture.

Strength: Moderately strong. Low stiffness and shock resistance. Moderate bending strength.
Color: Yellow brown to dark brown.
Texture: Straight to wavy grain with coarse, uneven texture and rich figuring.
Uses: Indoor or outdoor furniture, joinery, turning, and veneer.

Yellow Poplar
Strength: Soft and light. Easy to work and finish.
Color: Sapwood is white, heartwood is greenish brown.
Texture: Straight grain and fine texture.
Uses: Carved members, joinery and smaller pieces.

For more information visit:

Sarika Kabra is an expert in the field of interior design and home improvement. Lissi Blog30430
Eugenie Blog31618

4 Ways To Increase Your Company's Sales

When faced with diminishing sales or a shift in profitability, sometimes a company will seek opportunities to expand sales by using different marketing methods. These time-tested marketing principles are used by businesses to seek out new opportunities to satisfy the needs of the consumer.

There are 4 ways to increase sales and expand revenue for your company. It is not necessary to use more than one of these methods. The best choice of the 4 methods is the one that will meet the needs of the company and the consumer best. This will provide a win-win situation for all concerned.

To increase sales consider one of the following methods for seeking opportunities in your target market:

1. Market Penetration:

Increase the market share of your current products in your present market. By up scaling your marketing mix you can increase your sales. To do this you advertise your present products more frequently and promote your company's image to the public through institutional advertising and publicity.

2. Market Development

You can also try to sell your present products in new markets. You have to do some market research on the needs of the consumers in these markets first. Your product may have other demographic groups that need it as well. This is a recommended area to investigate for more profit. Often your present products are in demand in other locations, with other age groups, or professional groups. This is an opportunity for more sales many companies look for.

3. Product development

You can increase your sales by offering new and improved products to your present market. This will give you an edge over your competition. Your customers will view your company as being progressive and up to date. This is not only a great way to increase sales, but your customers will remember your company because of the unique product you sell.

4. Diversification

If you are well established in one line of business, you may wish to diversify into a totally new one. This means moving into a new market with a new product. This can keep your profits on the rise. Here again, market research and marketing plans have to be made first.

As you can see there are opportunities for gaining sales in all four areas. The best choice for your business depends on your goals and the resources you have. The best way to capitalize on these strategies is to start with your present strengths and look for market opportunities that complement them. Then do your market research and planning. The sky is the limit when you plan ahead using these proven marketing tactics.

This article may be reprinted in full. The resource box and hyperlink must remain intact.

Marc Entz is the Editor of The SavePress Smart Money Directory, a new upbeat site for people who like valuable resources for saving money. You can read several articles with tips for business or pleasure, or catch up on a variety of related news at our website online now: Blog75862
Engin Blog51469

Using Blogs For Affilate And Adsense Profits Combined

How do you set up a blog for effective affilate and Adsense profits?

Here is the low down of how its done and some of the ins and outs of rss.

For this example I will use web hosting as the affilate product we selling on the blog.

1. Rss is great for getting the robots to visit but it will not get you visitors until

* You have quite a number of pages
* Have decent page rank

2. Best blog platform


3. Blog page - index page.

* A two column blog I find works the best
* The sidebar should be on the right hand of the page for SEO purposes
* Heading for your affiliate reviews shouls be first something like In-Dpeth, Top 5 Cheap Hosting Reviews. Two links underneath, one going to reviews and the other to why our reviews are more relaible than other sites

4. Reviews of your products.

4 to 10 reviews, make them long and give info of what benefits one product has over the other and a rating for different aspects. Do not put adsense on your reviews page.

This site does it really well - and its a blog to boot.

5. Next heading in the sidebar - Articles

A link going to current articles followed by a search box for your articles. Each article page is where you Adsense sits and here are some good tips

* All links including Adsense, one color underlined.
* Research has shown the normal blue and darker blue gets the best hits
* Adsense in the middle and at the end of all your articles you will get less click troughs with Adsense in the borders

6. Next heading contact Me

Blurb A little confused with all the info, so many choices or an aspect of one of hosting reviews (linked to your review page feel free drop me an email any time.. blah blah

Then more headings after this is you wish My fav top ten hosting tips articles Top 5 Domain Name Website Reviews? and so on.

The way I see it, is if they are customers coming for information on a given product, service or business area, why not stick some products up and make some more money!

If they are just interested in the articles monetize those with Adsense.

And then if for any reason you have a bad Adsense month, the affilate income is there as a backup.

The final tip is to keep your blogs clean so people can easily find the information they are looking for whether that be a product or articles. Heres one of my article directories as an example


Chris Taylor is the director of Catdynamics, an established online company which specializes in all areas of online business implementation, internet marketing and search engine optimization - Blog68136
Cible Blog39049

Going Solo - The Secrets to Starting a Successful Law Practice

If you watch movies, you are undoubtedly already sold on establishing your own law firm. You will drive a Porsche (remember Jan Schlictmann in A Civil Action) and have a paralegal that looks like Julia Roberts (Erin Brockovich). You will be sleeping with beautiful office colleagues (Ally McBeal) and fighting society-changing cases (Philadelphia or To Kill A Mockingbird). You do not really even need to be a lawyer (My Cousin Vinny). And the funny thing is--it is all true. So how, you ask yourself, do you live this glamorous life? Here are the little known secrets to a successful practice:

Get Confidence.

A quick review of various articles and books on starting your own practice will likely zap your confidence and fill you with doubt. Moreover, your practice will undoubtedly be busy on some days but slow on others. Do not get bogged down in worrying where your next payment is coming from. Believe that it will come and, in the meantime, work on marketing your practice or taking care of the clients you do have.

Practice pointer: Have faith. Think of all of the attorneys you know who have their own practice or a small firm and who you know are terrible attorneys. If they can make it, you can make it.

Find Mentors.

There is no need to reinvent the wheel and forge a new path. Learn from other's mistakes. Seek out mentors who can serve as a resource as you set up your practice and deal with day-to-day issues that arise. Read books and articles on well-known lawyers to learn what makes them successful.

Practice pointer: Call sole practitioners you know and ask them to coffee or lunch. Ask them how they got started and what lessons they learned.

Do Your Research.

Look through books and articles on setting up your own firm for checklists on the minutiae of starting your own practice. A good resource is How To Start & Build A Law Practice by Jay Foonberg. The State Bar also prints a book called Opening A Law Office. Learn about trust accounts, attorney-client retainer agreements, conflicts of interest, malpractice insurance and the "business" of law.

Practice Pointer: Check out eBay for less expensive, used copies or search for books at your city's main library. The State Bar website has sample Attorney-Client Retainer Agreements.

Avoid Overhead.

Focus on building income rather than building expenses. Many attorneys are working from home. You can sign up for a corporate identity package with an executive suite. These packages give you an office address and telephone number, the use of conference rooms if you need to meet with clients and various other office amenities. If you are looking for an office, consider a short term licensing agreement versus a long term lease. Do not forget everything that you need to make an office usable: telephones, a copy machine, computers, printers, a postage machine, a Westlaw or Lexis/Nexis subscription and office supplies. Subleasing an office from a law firm or renting from an executive suite will help you keep costs down since they already have a telephone system, a copier and the like.

Consider being of counsel to a firm who can refer hourly contract work to you while you build your practice. Consider doing contract work for other attorneys to bring in income. Unless you are independently wealthy, remember to budget in your day-to-day living expenses for the first few months when you may not collect any payments.

Write Down Your Goals.

It is said that most people spend more time planning a dinner party than they spend planning their life. It is easy to get bogged down in the emergency of the day. Set aside time to consider the big picture: what type of practice do you want to build? If asked, have you thought through a 50 word description of your practice that you can present with confidence? Develop a marketing plan to reach your potential clients.

Practice Pointer: Spend a day away from everything and everyone where you can focus on your plan without any distractions. Turn off your phone and the radio. Take a blank pad of paper and brainstorm uninterrupted for at least one hour.

Work Efficiently.

Once you have set your goals, start each day with a list of what it is that you want to accomplish that day. Stick to the list and check off each task as you complete it. Do not start each day reacting to the latest e-mail. In fact, do not even look at your e-mail during the first few hours of the day. It is too easy to get distracted from the goals you have set. Do not let others determine what you will work on each day.

Practice Pointer: Turn off the automatic notification on your e-mail and only check your e-mails in between other tasks. You will find that all of the urgent e-mails you receive are really not that urgent.

Leverage Yourself.

Recognize that your highest value activity is billing. As soon as possible, hire others (even on a part time or by assignment basis) to type, copy, file, bill and take care of other non-billable tasks. Internet services allow you to fax a document and receive back a typed Word document by email quickly and without the need to hire a temporary secretary. Look for ways to free up your time for marketing and billing.

Practice Pointer: Hire university students part time. They are smart, eager to learn and not expensive.

Solo or Partnership?

While it is easy to enter into a partnership, it can be extremely difficult to get out of one. Before entering into a partnership, make sure that you have a frank discussion with your potential partner about your goals, your business, your work style, your vision for the future and what you hope to achieve. How will you split the costs and income? If you decide to enter into a partnership, make sure that you have a well thought out partnership agreement which sets forth a dispute resolution mechanism in the event that the relationship sours. Think through the issues which may cause tension in the future and decide on how to resolve these disputes beforehand.

Learn the 15% Rule.

The 15% rule states that 15% of your clients are not worth the trouble and aggravation. When you are first starting out, you do not want to turn clients away. But some clients should be turned away. There will be clients who complain day in and day out. These same clients will fall behind on their bills but call you every twenty minutes. They will challenge every entry on your bill. They are more likely to sue you for malpractice, especially when you try to get them to pay their bills. Have the confidence to "unhire" these clients. There is no benefit in working for free and you will free yourself to find paying clients.

In the same vein, insist on a retainer large enough to commit your client. If the client cannot pay a retainer before hiring you, what makes you think they will be able to pay after you have completed the first month's worth of work (and paid for the expenses out of your own pocket)? When a client begins to fall behind on their bill, cut them off sooner rather than later. A deadbeat client will have more incentive to fight or sue you if he or she owes $40,000 rather than $4,000.

Practice Pointer: offer to discount a late bill if the client will pay immediately. Cash in hand can often be better than a large receivable.

Sell Value.

Clients typically seek a solution to their problems. While no client wants to pay for a lawyer or a legal dispute, price is typically not their primary motivating factor in hiring a lawyer. Instead, they want peace of mind from knowing that a qualified lawyer is going to resolve their dispute or structure their transaction.

Practice Pointer: Be confident in the rate you quote your client and do not discount it as a matter of course. Build a reputation for the service you provide and not for the "blue light specials" that you offer.

Take Action!

There is no substitute for just doing it. As lawyers we tend to sometimes overanalyze everything. Our clients are often those who jump right in and make things happen.

Practice Pointer: Be willing to take risks and, again, have faith that you will succeed.

Laine T. Wagenseller is the founder of Wagenseller Law Firm, a full service real estate litigation firm in downtown Los Angeles. The firm represents real estate developers, owners, and investors. For more information visit or contact Mr. Wagenseller at (213) 996-8338.Amorphe Blog56122
Fini Blog83665

Second Home Insurance: Buy To Cover Your Luxury Home

Second home is bought by people in UK mostly for giving it on rent to people who come to spend their holidays. Hence it is very important to take perfect precaution to keep your second home protected as it is your first home and it is also a very good source of income for you. Second home is also a real luxury to afford it and something that you have worked probably very hard towards. Second home insurance enables you to provide the proper protection to your second home or holiday home.

Your second home can have the same risks as your primary home from fire, theft, flood and riots etc. so home insurance policy for your second home is the most essential thing to buy for the protection of your second home. Second home insurance provides for the following cover-

Building cover: second home insurance provides cover for your building structure which will include swimming pool, summer houses etc.

Contents cover: your second home insurance can also cover for the belongings of your home thus giving you added peace of mind.

Legal cover: it will provide valuable legal protection to your second home as part of your insurance.

Personal valuables: it can be covered by your second home insurance at an extra cost, which can provide added peace of mind. This can include valuables such as laptop, camera and any especially valuable item in your second home.

However it is important to check that any second home insurance policy before making a commitment to buy that it will provide you the covers that you require for your home. Different insurance companies offer policies for second home insurance with varying terms and conditions, so it is advisable to compare both premiums and coverage before making a decision. The cost of cover will vary on the level of cover you take out as well as on the property itself and the purpose for what it is used. Sometimes insurance companies do not extend whole coverage to the second home so it is better to check the terms and policy details before you commit to a second home insurance policy.

As you begin to research about the best policy of second home insurance, you can do it well through internet. Online you can search for the second home insurance policy within no time and even without expending a lot of money. The quotes for second home insurance are available free on the internet. Hence you can search the suitable second home insurance policy for your second home and enjoy the real pleasure with security.

Henry Bell is an author who can certainly identify the kind of insurance that you will need. To find Second Home Insurance, bad credit car loan, cheapest car loans,no credit check car loans,easy car loans,fast car loans,secured car loans visit Blog74004
Corinne Blog48857

The Best Online Colleges & What They Have to Offer

Attending an online college is a lot like attending a traditional college. Although you may be getting a quality education from any of these colleges, the truth in the matter is that you will look more appealing to future potential employers when you decide to attend an online college that is reputable. Since they know the college's name, they will be more likely to hire you than somebody else with the same qualifications that has not attended such a reputable college. Of course, before you can take advantage of attending a reputable online college in order to increase your jobs of getting a wonderful job and a quality education, it is so important for you to learn about what some of the best online colleges are. Here, we will take a much closer look at some of the many online colleges which you may want to think about attending, as well as the different types of programs that they have to offer to their students.

There are a number of wonderful top online colleges out there. One of the best online colleges which you may want to think about choosing is Westwood College Online. Some of the programs which you will get the opportunity to enroll in at this online college include animation, business administration, criminal justice, game software development, interior design, web design and multimedia, and more!

Another one of the best online colleges which you may want to think about attending is American InterContinental University Online. You will be able to major in fields such as business, criminal justice, education, healthcare management, marketing and more. You can earn both your bachelors degree and masters degree through this online college.

The University of Phoenix is another one of the most reputable online colleges which you may be interested in attending. Some of the areas which you can earn a degree in at the University of Phoenix include business, health care, criminal justice, education, nursing and more. Each of these programs will provide you with a wonderful outlook for the future.

There are just a few of the very man online colleges which you might want to think about attending. Attending each and every single one of them would be a wonderful choice for anyone interested in attending an online college. No matter what online college you decide to attend, the main key is to make sure that you decide to attend one. So many potential students pass up the opportunity because of financial reasons, but it is important for you to realize that there is financial aid which is available for you to apply for. All accredited online colleges will be able to provide you with a quality education, which you will need to success in the field which you are interested in getting a job in. However, by attending an online college which is reputable, you may be able to increase your chances of getting hired by any potential employer greatly. This is the main reason that learning more about some of the best online colleges is a must.

Joe Roberts owns and operates Online CollegesLisa Blog17340
Jessica Blog42627

Preflight for Graphic Design and Prepress, an Application or Process?

Many designers and prepress operators may think of Preflight as an application. An application that runs on files to verify files and identify potential problems. I have trained hundreds of operators in how to prepare First Time Right Postscript and PDF files. That's the first thing that I set folks straight on.

Preflight is a process. It's a process of going through every predictable problem that can happen with your printing job. If you think it's a software that you run and that's it, you are not going to be able to produce First Time Right PDF files. There are many, many things that software cannot even check for, and things unique to YOUR jobs, customers, company that are important. Things that MUST be checked to ensure success and accuracy.

50% of commercial printing is destined for a delay or additional costs:

Publishers and printers regularly report more than 50 percent of the digital files they receive are improperly prepared to spec. Thus, these files will need preflight & then repair to go forward. This may be done by a publisher, printer, or kicked back to the graphic designer. At stake is the budget and schedule of the print project. Now, think about that... 50% of commercial printing projects are destined for a delay in schedule or additional costs when submitted!

A graphic design project may be made for print, web, and or video. Depending on the type of media, documents must be prepared exactly to specifications based on final output media. Common file flaws include fonts not embedded or supplied, color space(CMYK vs. RGB, or inappropriate use of Pantone or specialty colors), and resolution conflicts. These are some of the many things that can be identified quickly by Preflight tools. A Preflight tool is utility software that is specially suited to help identify these file issues.

Preflight Software, helpful, required, but not a Whole Solution:

So there are tools that help. But what about things you have to identify by visual inspection? What about bleed and trim margins, placement and position, checking dates on event ads and coupon ads. What about checking every full page ad that is a repeat to be sure that the folio (page number) is deleted or updated. What about copy flow from 2 successive documents in a publication. These are all things that must be checked visually by a human. So, if you want to be a top notch designer or prepress operator, there is a list of important Preflight items that you, the human, must check. I always advise people to develop and update THEIR LIST every time a mistake is found or caught. Use the list as a checklist often enough that it becomes completely automatic to you as you prepare and process graphics files. If you get burned on a project, think of making that a part of your preflight checklist. An example or beginning preflight checklist can be found at this URL, review it and use it as a starting point.

Preflighting Applications, Help, and History of Preflight:

I once read an article that stated Preflight Applications were invented in the 1990's. Actually, preflight applications are nothing new at all. The early layout applications like Quark Xpress, Aldus PageMaker, Adobe Photoshop, Ready Set Go, were the first preflight applications. Preflight applications were invented in the 80's, and have been improved upon and developed since. Today there is a Free Preflight Tool available called FreeFlight at the URL below, you can download the software free and get free help and support.

There is also an online community at PREPRESSFORUM.COM that has extensive and free, user to user support. I help folks there most every day and the site is chock full of great insider tips, tricks, problems and solutions. I would encourage any designer, publisher, or printer to join and participate, teach or learn. All experience levels are welcome to post and answer questions at this site.

Examples of First Preflight Software Tools:

Example (A) PageMaker has a links palette that scanned through the document providing a report about images linked/missing, RGB/CMYK, Tiff/EPS, etc. This was a preflight results report covering the main document AND many support document files combined. Thus Pagemaker was a preflight tool that could report on files originating from other applications, like scans. It would give the user a list of confirmations and or problems identified that was to be used to repair and prepare files prior to output.

Example (B) Quark Xpress has had a usage palette, when called, it scans through the open document providing detailed reports about fonts used/missing, images used/missing/modified, image types, image colors, image paths. This was a preflight results report covering the open document AND many support document files combined. Thus Quark Xpress was a preflight tool that could report on files originating in other applications, like scans. It would give the user a list of confirmations and or problems identified that was to be used to repair and prepare files prior to output. Additionally Quark Xpress may have started collect for output, a feature mentioned in other patents from the 1990's regarding preflight software invention.

Example (C) Adobe Photoshop was used to inspect and verify images. Back in the day, a user would grab all the Tiffs and Eps placed into a job. The selected files drag & dropped onto Adobe Photoshop would automatically open and display the color space in the title bar of each file, CMYK/RGB/Grayscale etc. Thus Adobe PhotoShop was a preflight tool that could report on files originating from other applications. An operator could open the Image size palette and verify resolution before closing each document. Thus a semi-automatic preflight of graphic images was performed. So, yes, Adobe Photoshop was and still is a preflight application and a file repair application that could inspect and identify problems in files which it did not originate.

Preflighting, Today's Hottest Current Applications:

QuarkXpress 6.5, QuarkXpress 7, Adobe InDesign CS2, these applications have built in preflight function these days. Unlike all other preflight software, these are native function that is fast and effective. Best of all, they come at no additional cost to the designer, publisher, or printer. These are built into both of today's most common preflight applications.

However, there's a few very critical holes in the built in preflight of these applications. No need to worry, there's a FREE preflight application caller FreeFlight that has been recently released to address this. The application is a free download from a Quark Xtension and Adobe Plug-In developer site . FreeFlight is a must have tool that supplements the use of QuarkXpress and Adobe InDesign CS2 built in preflight. You can download and read about FreeFlight at this URL.

"Preflighting" as a printing term came to popularity in the 1990s as printers and service bureaus ensured that problematic files would be caught and fixed before they found their way into CTF (Computer to Film) workflow. In this century the term has evolved into other variations, like post-flight, indicating when in the workflow the file is actually verified. To Preflight is proactive quality control, Postflight is reactive quality control. Preflight is good manufacturing process, Postflight is not. This may be a nice topic for later. Take my word on it and avoid Postflight workflow schemes. Real craftsmen and professionals find and fix all problems at the earliest possible point. Many of these tools below are actually post-flight oriented tools.

Preflighting, The Older Expensive Applications for the job at hand:

Markzware FlightCheck Classic: This preflight software is developed by Markzware Software. Markzware's FlightCheck Classic is a standalone application that scans, verifies and collects each job for output. Currently available as version 5.8 (6.0 was due out this fall), Although it was the gold standard for years and is still a great tool, the software is not staying current with releases of software. Example Quark Xpress 7. Markzware's FlightCheck Classic will preflight a wide range of digital file formats, including PDF documents and those created in most popular native application programs (QuarkXPress, Adobe InDesign, PageMaker, etc.). Ground Controls enable users to highlight potential problems, out of more than 150 choices, for which to search. Single-user licenses for Windows and Mac users are available for about $400. This software is no longer recommended because development does not stay current with the support of new application versions that it's users face every day like Quark Xpress 7.

Markzware FlightCheck Collect!: This preflight software deemed the "lite" version of Markzware's FlightCheck Classic, FlightCheck Collect! inspects for common file problems, like improperly assigned color space, missing fonts and image or resolution conflicts. Once preflighted, the application can then collect the document, including images, extensions and screen and printer fonts, for output. Markzware offers Windows and Mac versions for around $180. This software is no longer recommended because development does not stay current with the support of new application versions that it's users face every day like Quark Xpress 7.

Markzware HawkEye: This preflight software from Markzware is HawkEye, a preflighting tool designed specifically for designers and content creators. It runs as a plug-in to most popular desktop publishing applications like QuarkXPress, Illustrator, Acrobat, FreeHand and more. Before content is created, designers can create specifications (known as TrueFileSpecifications) for each job they plan to create. For example, an art director can choose the color schema or font set to use. If the designer mistakenly places an element into the document that doesn't meet the TrueFileSpecifications, he or she is immediately alerted to the discrepancy. Users can also choose to forbid saving or printing a file that is in a "failed" or "unfixed" state, helping to better manage revisions, versions and cut down on consumable waste. This product from Markzware was advertised and was on a seybold Hot Picks 2002 but may have been pulled or may have never made it to market, unable to confirm at Markzware's site?

PDF/X-1 Verifier 2.0: This preflight software developed for the DDAP (Digital Distribution of Advertising for Publication association,, this application verifies the integrity of PDF/X-1a files, the professional format of choice for print advertising. This application is suited for both digital ad designers as well as file recipients like publishers, prepress suppliers and printers. It offers pass-fail results or more comprehensive preflight reports. DDAP members can purchase single-seat licenses for about $95; non-members pay about $125.

Apago PDF/X-1 CheckUp: This preflight software developed by Apago offers PDF/X-1 CheckUp 2.5, a plug-in to Adobe Acrobat that preflights and produces PDF/X files. It supports both ISO (International Standards Organization) PDF/X-1:2001 and PDF/X-1a:2001 standards. Mac and Windows versions are available for Acrobat 4.0.5 and 5.0, for about $250ea.

Enfocus PitStop Professional: This preflight software developed by Enfocus Software, PitStop Pro preflights and edits PDF documents. It checks for 140 potential problems and offers 70 automated correction features. After running the document through preflight, users can edit existing objects and text, or add new elements. It's also equipped to re-map color space or tag/detag images with ICC (International Color Consortium) profiles. The software comes with several common PDF profiles to select according to a file's final destination. Windows and Mac versions of PitStop Professional are available for about $550. Enfocus Pitstop is a great tool for repairing bad PDF files. However, it is not recommended as a Preflight solution. Since the PDF is the end result, to check a PDF files is really Postflight, a good preflight workflow is about making good PDF in the first place.

Extensis Preflight Pro: This preflight software is developed by Extensis, Preflight Pro inspects entire folders of native application documents created in popular desktop publishing applications like QuarkXPress, Acrobat, Illustrator, PageMaker, Photoshop and FreeHand. Following preflight inspection, the software then collects the job for output. Mac version is available for about $400.

TIFF/IT-P1 Checker: This preflight software developed for DDAP by Congruent Development, TIFF/IT-P1 Checker is a bundle of software tools, that includes TIFF/IT-P1 Preflight. Suited for both digital ad and packaging designers, it also represents a low-cost tool for any manufacturing partner that receives a large number of TIFF/IT-P1 files. It's available in both Mac and Windows versions and costs about $100 for DDAP members, $180 for non-members.

Asura & Solvero: This preflight software created by OneVision Software AG, Asura eliminates frequently occurring production problems in PDF, EPS and PostScript files, with the help of hot-folder specifications. Asura preflights incoming files, while Solvero automatically repairs common problems. The system keeps a log of all changes made to a file. According to the developer, this coupled solution is most popular among newspaper publishers, which receive a wide range of digital file formats.

AdCheck: This preflight software developed by Total Integration, AdCheck 2.1 allows users to open and view production-image format files, including TIFF/IT, CT, HC and LW, using a standard Mac workstation. Its Show Info prompt provides detailed information about the file, including size and colors used.

Markzware MarkzNet: This preflight software developed by Markzware, MarkzNet is not an out-of-the-box preflighting solution. Rather, it's a blend of the company's popular FlightCheck technology with systems integration. For high-volume production environments, MarkzNet provides a Web-based portal into a company's production workflow. Customers submit files with drag-and-drop simplicity. Files are automatically inspected for flaws or conflicts with the recipient's specifications and either pass or fail. Failed files are rejected and both recipient and sender are immediately alerted to the problem. If the file passes, it's automatically forwarded to the next stage of production for a truly seamless digital workflow. This software is not recommended because it is a web based tool and has proved to be really slow and not productive to many users.

Preflight Online: This preflight software developed from a partnership between Extensis and WAM!NET, Preflight Online is a Web-based solution for printers and publishers that need a custom-branded solution for receiving digital files from customers and advertisers. It accepts a wide range of file formats, including EPS, native Quark and Adobe PDF, preflights them and forwards files that pass directly to the recipient's FTP server. There's a one-time admin charge, as well as a monthly subscription fee that's based on the customer's actual inspection traffic. This software is not recommended because it is a web based tool and has proved to be really slow and not productive to many users.

TIFF/ITeyes: This preflight software developed by Rorke Data, enables users to view the complete data in TIFF/IT-P1 files, the widely adopted accredited standard for digital ad exchange. Users can measure X-Y coordinates, as well as CMYK values.

SpeedFlow Check: This preflight software developed by OneVision, SpeedFlow Check is one component of a suite of tools that preflights, edits and imposes PDF, EPS and PostScript files. Files that pass SpeedFlow Check inspection are saved in PostScript or PDF form (depending on the manufacturer's or publisher's workflow) and sent to a hot-folder on the server. Problems may be fixed manually in SpeedFlow Edit and electronically routed to SpeedFlow Impose for impositioning.

© Samuel Hargis 2006Lona Blog56638
Enclumes Blog45415

Should I Buy From A Used Car Dealer Or Privately?

Buying a used car from a dealer or buying it privately, which is the best?

Both have their pros and cons and these should be weighed up against the other before any decision is made.

Firstly, going with a dealer you will have a wider choice over the cars on offer, certainly more than you would by going privately.

When buying from a dealer the car will have been cleaned and any faults will have been corrected and it will come with some sort of warranty. When purchasing privately you will be liable to fix any corrections and have to valet the vehicle yourself, plus you will have no comeback if something serious goes wrong within the first year.

Going with a dealer gives you plenty of time to check the car over in perfect lighting conditions; however you might feel rushed or pressured when looking a car over privately.

A dealer usually wont mind at all if you wish to bring in your own expert to look over the car as they will have nothing to hide. However when going privately it could be harder for you to get an expert to look over the car with you.

Dealers also can offer finance often with high interest charges but this still gives you the option of finance which may be beneficial to you. With a private seller, you will need to pay the money in full.

The downside to buying from a car dealer is that the car could cost you more than by buying privately. Also, you wont be able to interrogate the owner of the car through a dealer however when buying privately you have the opportunity to do so.

It really is all a matter of which you prefer as there are good and bad points either way, but the above tips will hopefully give you a better idea of which way to go when looking for your used car.

Louis Rix is Director of ( one of the UK's leading motoring websites. Established in 2000, its mission is to become the UK's number one site for used car searches and motoring information. Netcars also provide car finance, loans and insurance.Loleta Blog7393
Leland Blog97924

Use Self Belief To Shape Your Own Destiny

Of all the things that go towards shaping our destiny, it is our belief in our own abilities which has the greatest influence. Our level of self belief determines whether we succeed or fail to achieve our dreams and ambitions. As Henry Ford said "If you think you can, you're right. If you think you can't, you're right."

I was watching a program on the Biography Channel the other day which illustrated the truth of Henry Ford's words and highlighted the importance of self-belief. The subject of this program dropped out of the educational system without a degree, in fact, he quit school before he even reached college age and left school with woefully inadequate qualifications. The reason for this academic failure was a combination of dyslexia and general lack of interest in school work.

Sadly, the lack of academic achievement was accompanied by a complete lack of prowess on the sports field. To top it all off, as well as being a dunce and a sporting failure, the poor kid was not even good looking. He did not have rich parents to give him financial support . His parents were not business owners, so there was no chance of a career via nepotism. He had no obvious skills or talent, so a career as an artist or musician was not an option.

This sounded like the stereotypical beginning for a person who will at best survive by taking low-paid employment and, at worst, will drift into a life of crime as a way of snatching what he is incapable of earning. His school headmaster is credited with saying on his premature departure from the education system, I feel sure you will either end up in prison or become a millionaire'. To entertain the idea that this person had any prospect of becoming a millionaire, you would have to know his character. We can only see the external disadvantages, the headmaster was aware of the strength of character and depth of self belief existing within this person. That self-belief more than made up for any lack of education and academic qualifications.

One thing the prospective jailbird/millionaire had was the ability to spot a niche for a new business. No, this is not a story of luck bringing an instant rags to riches transformation. Unfortunately his first two business ventures failed miserably. Did this set him on a path of serial business failures? Not at all, the failures probably taught him valuable lessons. He started the first business at the age of seven, so the chances of real success were pretty remote! The fact that he had sufficient self-belief to start his first business before he even reached his teenage years gives us a clue as to his character.

The condensed version of the rest of this biography is that the "hero" of the story built a successful business before he reached his twenties, was a millionaire by the age of 25 and was the owner of a Caribbean island before he was thirty. He did not stop working then, he went on from flamboyant success to even bigger flamboyant success, setting records and achieving the apparently impossible.

The subject of the TV program was Sir Richard Branson who is, at the time of writing, a billionaire several times over. He has attributed his success to hard work, belief in his business ventures and a willingness to take risks. These risks have included the well publicised (and life threatening) hot-air balloon journeys, starting a business on borrowed capital and taking risks in business where the potential losses were huge.

It is self-belief which made it possible to take those risks. Without belief in himself, Richard Branson would not have dared to borrow the money to start his first business as a magazine publisher after leaving school. Without self-belief the balloon challenges would not have been contemplated. Without self-belief the ambition to own an airline would have remained just a dream.

"It's lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges, and I believe in myself". Those words were said by Muhammad Ali but they sum up the essence of what makes any person able to reach his goals in life. We must learn to sow and cultivate self-belief if we wish to achieve the harvest of our dreams.

For more about self motivation in business visit Elaine Currie's Work At Home Website: Find more information and articles at Blog23934
Jean Pierre Blog1880

The "Fleur-de-Lis" Sudden Popularity

Online stores have started noticing a sudden emergence of popularity with any item featuring the "fleur-de-lis" symbols. This emblem which represents the flower of Lily as been around for centuries. It was used to show royalry & devotion to the crown. It has been used among all things to symbolize the french language origins of certain cultures.

In Canada all provinces speak english exempt one: the province of Quebec which is french. Quebec's flag features four fleur-de-lis emblems on it.

In New Orleans the fleur-de-lis is also displayed and the sudden popularity of the symbol resides there. Since hurricane Katrina, one of the deadliest hurricanes in the history of the United States, hit the shore in 2005 residents have joined together into this terrible tragedy. There were an estimated 1836 deaths in this category 5 hurricane and all survivors will carry this terrible moments with them for the rest of their lives.

Now, the city is being rebuilt & the citizens are proud of having emerged from this working all together. Strong bonds have been made & the people of that area want more than even to show off their origins. The fleur-de-lis is a beautiful symbol now very popular on clothing, home decorations & jewelry.

As a jeweler I have been asked for fleur-de-lis items last year & started to make a few items for my customers for Louisiana. More and more people are asking for new designs & the selection have grown from 3 designs to up to 56 different products! This is just to show how much this symbol's rising popularity have been! Born in QUebec, the fleur-de-lis have always been everywhere around me & I must admit it is nice working with it again & sharing this with so many others.

Silversmithing artist Blue Crockatt displays her handmade sterling silver jewelry exclusively at, for her fleur-de-lsi designs simply enter the word "fleur" in the search box. Fleur-de-lis rings for men & women, earrings, pendant, anklet, toe ring, bracelet, pins, and more!Koralle Blog72013
Elizabeth Blog57141

Monday, February 4, 2008

eBay Auction Home Business Tutorial: Don't Charge Too Much...Or Too Little!

In my last few eBay auction tutorials, we talked about what you can sell to make money on eBay and start your own home business. But whether it's an ebook packed with your favorite recipes or custom coffee cups, one of the most important decisions you have to make is the price of your item.

As we all know, the highest bidder in an eBay auction wins the item. There's also a "Buy It Now" feature on Ebay you can use to sell your item for a set price rather than auctioning it off, and that's the way I sell all of my items. If you use "Buy It Now", the purchaser can decide to pay your asking price and purchase the item immediately, rather than having to wait for the end of the auction.

If you're selling a physical item, you have to take inventory and shipping costs into account, and we all have to pay various fees on eBay in order to sell items there. These fees vary depending on how much your item is sold for. If youre selling a physical item, dont try to cut the price of the item and then charge a lot for shipping. For example, theres a certain type of computer cable I occasionally buy on eBay, and Ill see the same cable listed at $5 from one vendor and 99 cents from another. Why? The vendor selling it for 99 cents asks $8.50 for shipping! EBay is really starting to crack down on this behavior, and frankly, its a really good way to discourage customers from making future purchases.

When deciding on a price, the key is to NOT price the item too highbut you also have to avoid selling it at too low a price, because that will make people think that your item has no value.

I went through that personally. When I started selling my first ebook on eBay, I priced it very low, thinking that I'd make up for the low price by selling a lot of them. It just didn't work out that way. If you put too low a price on an item, instead of being happy that the item is cheaper than others, it makes people wonder what's wrong with it. After a while, I raised the price, and started selling more ebooks!

You may have to experiment a bit in order to find the best price to offer your eBay customers, and that's just part of being in business. The key is not to ask too high or too low a price. If you have a competitor on eBay selling the same thing you're thinking of selling, check their feedback to see if they seem to be selling quite a few of them, or hardly any. Adjust your price appropriately, and if one price doesn't move items, try another. And when it comes to selling on eBay, don't be afraid to ask for a premium price - as long as you're offering a premium product!

Chris Bryant is an eight-year veteran of eBay, and he wants to help you use eBay to change your life just as it's done for him. For free eBay tutorials, articles, and other freebies, visit today!Lorette Blog78669
Eudes Blog14124

Top 10 Holiday Lip Picks for 06 (and under $20!)

What to get her, what to get hersomething fun, something unique, something shell use, and something from a boutique. Lipple (a cross of little and lip) stocking stuffers abound this year with lip wear gifts under $20 that are sure to please and most include shipping. Dont want to break the bank, but look like you did? Get the ultimate of gifts with much-needed winter lip wear.

Glosses, tints, pots, balms, butters and more are everywhere. How do you choose which one? That depends a lot on who youre buying for, but going with her personality will help a lot in determining which one shed love.

Need a little guidance? Help is on the way! Here are my picks for this years Holiday Season.

#1 For the gal who has everything, something unique is sure to please. You want to let her know that you thought long and hard about what to get her and that you aim to please. Jaquas Pink Buttercream Frosting Lip Whip would be a great choice!

#2 We know plenty of ladies who are dieting dont we? Although we often wonder why, we still want to show them we respect their choice of no longer diving into milkshakes and birthday cakes at every opportunity. You can do this by grabbing them lip wear that sure to stay on the lips and not on the hips! This lady in your life needs Bag Lunch Co.s Birthday Cake Lip Balm. Dont think thats a great choice for the Holidays? Try a tube of Body Bakerys Dutch Chocolate Cake Lip Butter. Yep, thatll do it. - Birthday Cake Lip Balm- $4 - Dutch Chocolate Cake Lip Butter - $4

#3 The coffee lover girlfriend. Gourmet coffee is sure to please especially if she can keep it in her purse and never have to worry about spilling a drop on her shirt (not to mention the $4-$5 a splurge). Crazy Rumors Perk Mocha Latte is calling her name. For $4 a tube, you just cant beat it.

#4 Sassy n Spicy girls just love items that reflect them. For these non-forgettable friends we have Mad Gabs Cinnamon Lip Lube. - Cinnamon Lip Lube - $3

#5 We all have a girlfriend that pops into mind when we think of Girls Night Out! These ladies are classy, hip, and the definition of fun. For them, weve chosen Pina Colada Lip Balm or if thats just not hitting it, N.Y. Appletini will do it. - Pina Colada - $3 - N.Y. Appletini - $4

#6 Pampering Beauty. Know a gal that needs a reason to pamper herself? Secure her a couple of minutes alone with our pampered lip pick: Luscious Lip Mask by Raw Beauty. - $9.50

#7 Getting enough sleep is essential to everyones well-being (especially if youre around the person who isnt) and if youre looking for the perfect bedtime balm to help her get some much-needed zzzzzs, our pick for night lip care with a touch of scent is Lavendar Lullabyzzz by Body Bakery. - $6

#8 Not so in love with the Holidays girlfriend. These ladies, while we love them dearly, may not feel that the Holiday Season is all its cracked up to be. For them, weve chosen a timeless, yet classic selection of fruity flavored lip wear. Nothing fancy, but enough to say that you care (and oh-so-subtly spread some Holiday cheer her way.) Blueberry Moose Smooch is sure to brighten anyones day. - $3

#9 Some girlfriends are just not that excited about food-scented lip balms. Lets face it, were all different and thats what makes us unique. For those on your list that will love a little lip lift, but perhaps not in bakery or flowery scents, weve chosen an aromatic fresh spearmint lube that shes sure to love. - $3

#10 Last, but not least there has to be something unique and stocking-tuckable for little lips as well. Alley Katz has it goin on this year with their notebook lip glosses for girls and tweens. A must-have for the growing diva in any family. - $9.50

Angela Strosnider is all about everything girlly and loves working with sites of this nature. is one of them. Check out the latest from Angela and at: Blog8838
Isis Blog80372

Trading, Gambling & Las Vegas

I was recently taking a little R&R with my parents in Las Vegas. While I am not a big gambler, I thought I would do an experiment.

I decided to use the same rules that are essential for profitable trading and apply them to gambling.

Rule 1: Choose the right game. In gambling you need focus on a particular game that that is easy to play and understand. The same is true in trading. You should never trade markets that you don\'t understand and are difficult to trade real-time. I think alot of traders trade something just because it is popular. That is very foolish as you can have your head handed to you if you don\'t know what you are doing.

Rule 2: Choose a bet size that is within your comfort level. I decided on a bet(unit) size of $1. To some of you that may be small, but I chose this amount simply because it is nothing to me and I know that my emotions would not affect the game over this small amount of money.

Many traders downfall lies in betting too big!

Take forex traders for example, when they trade a regular sized forex contract each point(pip) is worth $10.00. If they lose just 20 pips on a trade, that is $200 and that may be way too big both financially and psychologically for the trader to stomach. As a result they start trading out of fear and anxiety and make a lot of mistakes.

If this sounds like you, then by simply switching to the smaller mini forex contract where each point(pip) is worth just $1.00 you may find that all your anxiety is gone and that you trade easily and confidently.

If you are a stock trader, you may found that trading 500 shares is way too stressful, but dropping down to 100 shares makes all the difference in the world.

Rule 3: Choose your \"windows of opportunity\" wisely. In every casino there are hundreds of slot and poker machines all trying to grab your attention to get you to play.

When I look for a machine that can give me a \"window of opportunity\" I have 2 criteria.

First, I only look for video poker machines because you can apply certain strategies that can increase your odds. Second, I always look for ones near the casino entrance area as these machines are often programmed to pay out more frequently so that they attract attention and lure gamblers into the casino.

Now in contrast, lets look at how my Father picked a game. He had no rules and was sucked into the first machine that grabbed his attention. In addition, he would choose regular slot machines which didnt allow for any strategies and would play machines that were in the middle of nowhere. Time after time he would lose all his money on these machines.

In trading you must pick your market wisely too. How do you do this? Only trade markets you can afford to trade and also make sure you understand all the rules and nuances of it.

Rule 4: Money management - Use a stop loss. In each new game I would start with the same $100.00 buy in which gave me 100 - $1 units. If I lost 30 units I would end the game and take a break.

Many traders have no set money management plan before they get into a trade and just wing it. You absolutely must know what your risk is before you enter the trade and use protective stops to protect your capital.

Rule 5: Getting a read on the game. I know from experience that when a machine is really hot I will be profitable practically right away and it will pay out often. These characteristics give me important clues to games that want to stay in until I hit my win target.

In trading what often happen is that when the trader is quickly profitable they get really excited and at the same time nervous. This is because they are so worried about losing all the time, that they get the overwhelming desire to get out of the trade and lock in some profit.

The problem with this is that they never ride the trade up far enough and to succeed at this game you have to fight the urge to bail out of a winning trade. You must learn to stick with a profitable trade so that you can lock in some big trades. It is the only way to succeed as it will make up for all your losses.

On the other hand, I would leave if the machine wasnt paying out quickly. Sometimes I would sit there for 15 minutes and keep winning a few and losing a few. After all this effort I would still not be above my starting buy-in amount.

This type of game was a sure sign that things were not going my way and probably wouldn\'t do so either. When I am in this situation I will walk away. When faced with this situation the average gambler will convince himself his luck will change. This is rarely the case as the casino usually gets the last laugh!

In my trading courses I teach that if a trade doesnt go your way within 5 bars it is more than likely going to turn into a loser. The reason is that there is no momentum. When you observe this type of market behavior then it is usually better to exit the trade and wait for a new setup.

Rule 6: Money management - Setting a stop win. When you are in Las Vegas everyone has the Las Vegas Mentality. They think that when they start winning that their luck will continue and they are going to get rich. This is exactly the stupidity that the casinos count on as they know the longer a gambler stays at the table the less likely the odds will stay in his/her favor.

It was interesting to watch my Father play as he has the Las Vegas Mentality and on many occasions he would have a nice profit and I would tell him to walk away. He would always say, Just a bit longer and I constantly watched him lose not only his profit but his entire buy-in amount as well.

When you trade you must have a Stop Win strategy. What this is is a pre-determined profit objective for you to exit at. For example it could be when you are up 5% or $200 or 15 points etc. It could be when the market hits a particular price level. For example, say you buy a stock at $10.00; you would tell yourself ahead of time that if it hits $11.00 then you are getting out. Your strategy cousl also be based on using a trailing stop.

You absolutely must decide what your Stop Win strategy is before you get into the trade!

My Stop Win strategy for the poker machines was 50 units. Anytime I was above this level I would simply cash out and take a break. For example, I got real lucky in one game and hit for 220 units on one hand and another time I hit for 1240 units. In each instance, I took the money and ran.

After 3 days in Las Vegas, it was interesting to see how I had a very profitable experience while my Father had the exact opposite. The only difference between us was that I had rules and he didnt.

Viva Las Vegas!!!

Dr. Jeffrey Wilde, a trading veteran with 16 years of experience is a trading coach to over 3500 traders in 63 countries. His new blog offers free trading articles, tips and advice.Mai Blog67111
Lambda Blog27609